The House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee resumed consideration of SB 551, establishing a crime fighting pilot project in Marion, Lake, and Allen counties. Sponsor Rep. David Frizzell presented an amendment intended to address the Committee’s concerns about oversight of expenditures of the $600,000 to be appropriated in another bill to fund the pilot. Rep. Frizzell said that the amendment would place oversight and fund distribution responsibility with the Criminal Justice Institute, and would specify that the funds were to be transferred to the chief of police of the largest city in each pilot county. The Committee noted that the chief of police distribution scheme could likely generate controversy in Lake County, which has a number of cities interested in participating in the pilot. It was also noted that there was no provision for any funds for CJI to administer the pilot. Lack of specificity about permissible uses of pilot funds was also raised in Committee.
Committee Chair Rep. Frye decided it would be better to hold the bill so that Rep. Frizzell could consult with CJI and then work with Chairman Frye to get an acceptable final version in the two remaining days before the bill has to receive a Committee vote. The bill was held on that understanding.
Read the bill at