H.E.A. 1102, P.L. 172-2015
Effective: July 1, 2015
Prohibits a person from asserting a claim of patent infringement in bad faith. Provides that a court may, upon motion, require a person to post a bond if the target establishes a reasonable likelihood that the person has made an assertion of patent infringement in bad faith. Establishes remedies and damages. Exempts certain:
- approved postsecondary educational institutions;
- technology transfer organizations owned by or affiliated with approved postsecondary educational institutions; and
- licensees holding patents from postsecondary educational institutions or technology transfer organizations owned by or affiliated with postsecondary educational institutions; from the provisions regarding bad faithassertions of patent infringement.
The full law is available at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2015/bills/house/1102