H.E.A. 1211, P.L. 76
Effective: July 1, 2016
Includes the attempted manufacture of methamphetamine in the statutory definition of “methamphetamine abuse”. Requires law enforcement agencies to report fires related to methamphetamine abuse to the Indiana criminal justice institute. Makes it institutional criminal mischief, a Class A misdemeanor, for a person to recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally damage property: (1) that is vacant real property or a vacant structure; or (2) after the person has been denied entry to the property by a court order that was issued to the person or to the general public by conspicuous posting on or around the property in areas where a person could observe the order when the property has been designated by a municipality or county enforcement authority to be a vacant property, an abandoned property, or an abandoned structure. Makes the offense: (1) a Level 6 felony if the pecuniary loss is at least $750 but less than $50,000; and (2) a Level 5 felony if the pecuniary loss is at least $50,000. Provides that, if the offense involved the use of graffiti, the court may order that the person’s operator’s license be suspended or invalidated by the bureau of motor vehicles for not more than one year. Makes it controlled substances criminal mischief, a Level 6 felony, for a person to recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally damage property: (1) during the dealing or manufacture of or attempted dealing or manufacture of cocaine or a narcotic drug or the dealing or attempted dealing of methamphetamine; and (2) by means of a fire or an explosion. Makes the offense a Level 5 felony if the offense results in moderate bodily injury to any person other than a defendant. Defines “pecuniary loss” for purposes of criminal mischief offenses.
The full law is available at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2016/bills/house/1211