S.E.A. 455, P.L. 235
Effective: §11 effective June 30, 2017; §§12-13 effective July 1, 2017
Provides with respect to civil, criminal, infraction, and ordinance violation actions that the $5 document storage fee becomes $2 on July 1, 2022, instead of July 1, 2017.
Provides that a clerk of a court may not collect certain fees for small claims actions or civil actions filed through the Indiana electronic filing system adopted by the Indiana Supreme Court.
Urges the Legislative Council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee for study in 2017 questions concerning the distribution of court fees to cities and towns under IC 33-37-7-6.
The full law is available at: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/bills/senate/455