S.E.A. 238, P.L. 30
Effective: July 1, 2019
Expands the possible recipients of grants from the Indiana criminal justice institute (institute) beyond a county government or the state government. Changes the institute’s responsibility from administering sexual offense services, domestic violence programs, and assistance to victims of human sexual trafficking to administering funds to support those programs and services. Requires the state police department to establish, maintain, and operate an Internet web site containing a list of properties that have been used in the illegal manufacture of a controlled substance. Abolishes the institute’s: (1) meth watch program; (2) responsibility for developing guidelines concerning reporting of methamphetamine abuse; (3) gang crime witness protection program; (4) gang crime witness protection fund; and (5) sexual assault victim advocate standards and certification board. Requires the institute to distribute certain funds to the statewide nonprofit sexual assault coalition as designated by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2019/bills/senate/238