S.E.A. 22, P.L. 27
Effective: July 1, 2019; §§20-23, 28-29 effective April 18, 2019
Makes additional conforming changes with previous legislation for the purpose of allowing a retired member of PERF or TRF to make partial withdrawals from the member’s annuity savings account. Rephrases provisions concerning the election to begin receiving PERF or TRF benefits while employed that applies to certain elected officials and other employees who have attained the age of 70. Rephrases the method for calculating service credit for leaves of absence taken by PERF members. Provides that money in the pension relief fund may be used for reasonable administrative expenses approved by the Indiana public retirement system. Rephrases certain provisions in the statutes governing the public employees’ defined contribution plan and the teachers’ defined contribution plan to remove references to the annuity savings accounts in PERF and TRF, which are no longer used to implement the two defined contribution plans. Adds the public employees’ defined contribution plan and the teachers’ defined contribution plan to the list of public pension and retirement funds that comprise the Indiana public retirement system. Provides that assets of the judges’ retirement system and the prosecuting attorneys retirement fund are exempt from legal process and that a member may assign benefit payments only for certain medical insurance premiums and association dues for certain associations. Specifies that any postretirement benefit increase to the PERF part of a prosecuting attorney’s retirement benefit has no effect on the part of the retirement benefit that is paid from the prosecuting attorneys retirement fund. Makes clarifying additions to certain provisions of the 1977 police officers’ and firefighters’ pension and disability fund relating to the purchase of service credit by or on behalf of members.
Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2019/bills/senate/22