The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard HB 1006 regarding law enforcement officers, sponsored by Sen. M. Young and Sen. Glick. Rep. Steuerwald presented the bill. This bill requires the Indiana law enforcement training board to establish mandatory training in de-escalation at basic training and in-service trainings. It also establishes a procedure to decertify officers from being law enforcement officers in the state of Indiana if they have committed misconduct. The bill defines “chokehold” and prohibits the use of it unless deadly force is appropriate. Additionally, a law enforcement officer who turns off a body worn camera with intent to conceal a criminal act commits a Class A misdemeanor. The bill allows an agency hiring a law enforcement officer to request the officer’s employment record and other information from previous employing agencies and requires the previous employing agency to supply the record and information upon request. The bill also makes an appropriation to the Indiana law enforcement training academy for capital improvements.
Numerous individuals and entities testified in the support the bill. The bill passed 8-0. The bill was recommitted to the Senate Appropriations Committee, where it passed 11-0.
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