The House Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee heard HB 1300 on bail by Rep. Mayfield. This bill:
- defines a charitable bail organization
- establishes criteria for certification as a charitable bail organization
- sets requirements for operating a charitable bail organization
- directs the Office of Judicial Administration to develop, within the court case management system, a searchable field to collect the bail agent name and license number of the person or entity that pays bail for an individual as described in Ind. Code § 35-33-8-3.2.
Representatives from American Surety, American Bail Coalition, Indiana Sheriffs’ Association, and Indianapolis and State Fraternal Order of Police testified in favor of the bill. The Public Defender Council and the Bail Project testified in opposition. The Indiana Office of Court Services testified taking a neutral position. The bill was amended by consent to remove the language changing money or bonds “deposited” to money or bonds “set” for the purpose of refunding bail money or bonds. The amended bill passed 12-1.
Read the bill at: