S.E.A. 252, P.L. 122
Effective: July 1, 2024
Changes the qualifications required for a newspaper or a locality newspaper to publish legal notices as follows: a newspaper must have been published for 12 consecutive months (instead of three years) and must have had an average paid circulation during the preceding year of at least 500 (instead of 200) that may include the number of website page views reported by a website’s host provider. (current law only includes the average requested or paid circulation as reported in the United States Postal Service Statement of Ownership); and a locality newspaper must have been published for 12 consecutive months (instead of three years). The new law also removes the exemption for counties with populations exceeding 40,000 so now a newspaper must have a paid circulation threshold of 2% of the county population and a qualified publication in which notices and other information affecting county business must have a circulation of not less than 10% of the county population.
Read the bill at: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2024/bills/senate/252