The House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee heard HB 1393 on immigration notice, authored by Rep. Bascom and Rep. Prescott. The bill requires a law enforcement officer to provide the name, address, and other identifying information to ICE after arresting or issuing a summons to an individual suspected of not being lawfully present in the United States.
The Committee amended the bill by consent to provide that:
- the law enforcement officer must have probable cause to believe that an individual is unlawfully present in the United States to make a notification;
- the officer or officer’s law enforcement agency shall, during the intake process at the jail or detention facility, notify the county sheriff of the probable cause to believe the person is not lawfully present in the United States;
- county sheriff is required to report to the proper authority’
- a law enforcement officer shall arrest an individual in lieu of issuing a summons for a misdemeanor if the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the person is not lawfully present in the United States; and,
- a law enforcement agency, including a county sheriff, or a law enforcement officer or other employee of a law enforcement agency is immune from civil liability if there is reasonable belief that the notification requirements under this statute have been fulfilled.
A member of the public testified in support of the bill. Testimony in opposition to the bill was provided by four members of the public, the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, and the Indiana Catholic Conference. The amended bill passed 9-2.
Read the bill at: