The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 235 authored by Sen. Tyler Johnson and Sen. Byrne on limitations on diversity, equity and inclusion. The bill establishes prohibitions and requirements on state agencies, recipients of state contracts or grants, state educational institutions, and health profession licensing boards regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. The bill provides that certain civil actions for noncompliance may be filed against a state educational institution. The bill also establishes requirements regarding a standardized admissions test and requirements regarding altering academic standards for postsecondary educational institutions that offer certain health education programs.
The bill was amended by consent to remove the private right of action against a state educational institution and reduce the civil penalty the Attorney General may seek against a state educational institution from $1,000,000 to $250,000. The amendment also provides a state educational institution with a thirty-day period to cure a violation. Do No Harm and three members of the public testified in support of the bill. Indiana University and Indiana Bankers Association testified but remained neutral. The Indianapolis Urban League, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Indianapolis Chapter, Indiana Youth Group, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Indiana, Concerned Clergy of Indiana, and three members of the public testified in opposition. The amended bill passed 8-2.
Read the bill at