The House Family, Children, and Human Affairs Committee heard HB 1273 on child welfare task force, authored by Rep. DeVon. The bill:
- Establishes the child welfare task force to study the needs of child welfare services, child welfare service providers throughout Indiana, and methods to assess the quality of child welfare services offered.
- Requires the task force to submit a report not later than October 15, 2026, and October 15, 2027.
- Requires the interim study committee on child services, in 2026 and 2027, to review a report submitted by the task force.
The following testified in support of the bill: Indiana Association of Resources and Child Advocacy, Firefly Children and Family Alliance, Bashor Children’s home, National Youth Advocate Program, Indiana Association of Education for Young Children, Villages of Indiana, and Family Ark. The bill passed 10-0.
Read the bill at: