The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 13 on public safety authored by Sen. Tomes and Sen. Freeman. The bill addressing street takeovers was heard and amended on January 14th and held for further hearing on January 28th and additional amendments. The bill, as amended, does the following:
- adds a new offense to Ind. Code 9-21-8-52 for a person who knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly operates a vehicle in a repeated or continuous manner with the intent of causing the vehicle to perform a rotational skid commits a Class B misdemeanor. The offense is a Class A misdemeanor if it endangers a person, a Level 6 felony if it causes bodily injury, and a Level 5 felony if it results in death of any person. This offense does not apply to a person operating a vehicle at an off-road recreational area or other location that permits vehicles to perform rotational skidding.
- permits a court to recommend suspension of a person’s driving license for up to one year for the above-described offense that results in property damage under Ind. Code 9-21-8-52.
- permits an officer in an unmarked police vehicle to make and arrest or issue traffic information and summons for the above-described offense under Ind. Code 9-30-2-2.
- amends Ind. Code 9-30-16-1 to provide that nothing in this section prohibits an eligible person from petitioning for specialized driving privileges before the resolution of the case.
- permits seizure of a motor vehicle under Ind. Code 34-24-1-1 that was used by the owner of the vehicle to commit the above-described offense or obstruction of traffic committed in connection with the above-described offense.
- adds to Ind. Code 35-44.1-2-13 that a person, with the intent to obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic in connection with the above-described offense commits a Class A misdemeanor.
The Chief of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department testified in support of the bill, Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council was neutral on the bill, and the Indiana Public Defender Council testified on the bill. The bill passed as amended 6-1.
Read the bill at