The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1006 on prosecutors. authored by Rep. Jeter. The bill creates a reimbursement structure for prosecutors who pay deputies a certain percentage of the chief prosecutor, for that salary. Additionally, the bill creates an oversight board to establish rules for and determine when a prosecutor is not in compliance. If a prosecutor announces and pursues intent not to prosecute certain crimes, etc.
The Committee amended the bill to change reimbursement basis from caseload to salary percentage and remove the initial intent to combine the Public Defender Council and Commission on Court Appointed Attorneys into a single oversight group. The Indiana Public Defender Council, the Commission on Court Appointed Attorneys, and the Indiana Chief Public Defender Association testified in favor of the amendment. The Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council testified in support of the bill.
The amended bill passed 10-3 and was recommitted to Ways and Means.
Read bill here: