The following civil law bills passed out of their originating house:
SB 11 Minor access and use of social media
- Previous blog post:
- Floor amendments: Excludes from the definition of social media a website or application that facilitates crowdsourcing of content to create visual aids such as charts, graphs, diagrams, and infographics.
- House sponsor: King, Jeter
- Read the current bill:
SB 142 Eviction issues
- Previous blog post:
- Floor amendments: Removes the sealing of a judgment against a tenant that is over seven years old; adds the sealing of a judgment against a tenant that did not include a money judgment; adds that the court may enter an order under Ind. Code 32-31-11-3 to seal the records without a court hearing; makes conforming edits based on the amendments.
- House sponsor: Zimmerman, Pryor
- Read the current bill:
SB 157 Protection of property rights
- Previous blog post:
- Floor amendments: Adds that a law enforcement officer dispatched to remove a squatter from a railroad or a railroad car may rely upon a statement from an individual working on the railroad or in the railroad car that the individual alleged to be the squatter does not have a lawful reason to be on the railroad or in the railroad car as credible evidence to remove the squatter.
- House sponsor: King, Davis
- Read the current bill:
SB 289 Nondiscrimination in employment and education
- Previous blog post:
- Floor amendments: Defines diversity, equity, and inclusion; prohibits expenditure of executive branch agency funds or state educational institution funds on DEI; creates a cause of action brought by the Attorney General against state educational institutions for having a DEI office.
- House sponsor: Jeter, McNamara
- Read the current bill:
HB 1079 Property matters
- Previous blog post:
- Senate sponsor: Alexander
- Read the current bill:
HB 1115 Emergency possessory orders
- Previous blog post:
- Senate sponsor: Gaskill
- Read the current bill:
The following bill died in its originating house: