H.E.A. 1167, P.L. 118 Effective: July 1, 2022, except for §§22-23 effective January 1, 2023 In relevant part: Provides that a suspension for failure to satisfy a judgment imposed before December 31, 2021 terminates on December 31, 2024.Provides that an individual subject to both an administrative license suspension and a court ordered license suspension must file a petition … [Read more...] about Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Motor vehicle operation
The Senate Roads and Transportation Committee heard SB 124 on motor vehicle operation sponsored by Rep. J. Young and authored by Sens. Freeman, Bohacek, and Kruse. The bill provides that an individual subject to both an administrative license suspension and a court-ordered license suspension must file a petition for specialized driving privileges in the court that ordered the … [Read more...] about Motor vehicle operation
Automated traffic control system pilot program
On February 9, 2022, the Senate Roads and Transportation Committee SB 179 onan automated traffic control system pilot program sponsored by Rep. Pressel and authored by Sen. J. Ford, Sen. Messmer, and Sen. Doriot. A representative from Indiana Constructors, Inc. testified in favor of the bill. On February 16, 2022, the Committee heard the bill for amend and vote. The bill … [Read more...] about Automated traffic control system pilot program
Mid-Session: Traffic Law
The following traffic law bills passed out of their originating house: SB 124 Motor vehicle operation (formerly, specialized driving privileges) Previous blog post: https://legislativeupdate.courts.in.gov/2022/01/14/specialized-driving-privileges-7/House sponsor: J. YoungRead the current bill: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2022/bills/senate/124 SB 179 Automated traffic … [Read more...] about Mid-Session: Traffic Law
Automated traffic control system pilot program
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard SB 179 authored by Sen. Ford, which authorizes use of automated traffic control systems in highway worksites. The bill permits INDOT to use this pilot in an active highway worksite (workers must be present), provided INDOT conducts a public information campaign in the worksite area and signs are posted. The equipment collects the vehicle’s s … [Read more...] about Automated traffic control system pilot program