The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 218 on electronic monitoring authored by Sen. Clark and Sen. Freeman. The bill amends Ind. Code 35-38-2.7-2 to revise current electronic monitoring reporting requirements, removes the requirement to report on false location alerts, and amends the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council annual report deadline to May 1 instead … [Read more...] about Electronic monitoring
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 219 on trespass authored by Sen. Clark and Sen. Freeman. The bill amends Ind. Code 35-43-2-2 to provide that a person without contractual interest in real property who knowingly or intentionally enters or refuses to leave after being denied access to or asked to leave by another person, that person’s agent or a law e … [Read more...] about Trespass
Exceptions to paraphernalia statutes
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 312 on exceptions to paraphernalia authored by Sen. Clark and Sen. Baldwin. The bill provides that the controlled substance paraphernalia statutes do not apply to items marketed to detect the presence of a drug or controlled substance, including field test kits and test strips. The Indiana Public Defender Council, … [Read more...] about Exceptions to paraphernalia statutes
Criminal penalties
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 324 on criminal penalties authored by Sen. Freeman. The bill, as amended, does the following: The Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police, Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney Council, and the Indiana State Police testified in support of the bill. The Indiana Public Defender Council … [Read more...] about Criminal penalties
Safe haven infants and foster youth
The House Family, Children, and Human Affairs Committee heard HB 1099 on safe haven infants and foster youth, authored by Rep. DeVon and Rep. K. Pierce. The bill provides that the maximum age for a safe haven infant is 60 days of age, repeals the definition of "abandoned child", amends the definition of "foster youth", and makes conforming changes. The Indiana Association for … [Read more...] about Safe haven infants and foster youth