The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 325 on burglary and robbery of a gun retailer authored by Sen. Freeman. The bill defines gun retailer and increases the penalty for burglary to a Level 4 felony and robbery to a level 3 felony if the offense is committed on the premises of a firearm retail establishment. The bill passed 8-1 and was recommitted to … [Read more...] about Burglary and robbery of a gun retailer
Offenses against children
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 326 on offenses against children authored by Sen. Freeman. The bill replaces the term "child pornography" with the term "child sex abuse material" throughout the Indiana Code. The bill also provides that it is a defense to prosecution of child exploitation and possession of child sex abuse material if a school employee, … [Read more...] about Offenses against children
Marion County small claims court jurisdiction, venue, and fees
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 327 authored by Sen. Freeman on Marion County small claims court fees. The bill: The Committee amended the bill to: Hon. Cheryl Rivera, Perry Township Small Claims Court, testified in opposition. Hon. Kimberly Bacon, Lawrence Township Small Claims Court, testified in support of the bill. The amended bill passed 10-2 and was … [Read more...] about Marion County small claims court jurisdiction, venue, and fees
Transfer of high risk persons from county jail
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 420 on transfer of high risk persons from county jail authored by Sen. Carrasco and Sen. Clark. The bill establishes a procedure for the transfer of an inmate from a county jail to another county jail or the Department of Correction if the inmate poses a serious risk of escape, demonstrates violent or aggressive behavior, or … [Read more...] about Transfer of high risk persons from county jail
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1006 on prosecutors. authored by Rep. Jeter. The bill creates a reimbursement structure for prosecutors who pay deputies a certain percentage of the chief prosecutor, for that salary. Additionally, the bill creates an oversight board to establish rules for and determine when a prosecutor is not in compliance. If a prosecutor … [Read more...] about Prosecutors