S.E.A. 183, P.L. 32 Effective: July 1, 2016 Amends the statute concerning criminal trespass to specify that a person commits criminal trespass if the person knowingly or intentionally enters or refuses to leave the real property of another person after having been prohibited from entering or asked to leave the real property by a law enforcement officer when the real property is: (1) … [Read more...] about Real property offenses
Controlled substances
S.E.A. 214, P.L. 37 Effective: July 1, 2016 Prohibits Medicaid reimbursement for Subutex, Suboxone, or a similar trade name or generic of the drug if the drug was prescribed for the treatment of pain or pain management and the drug is only indicated for addiction treatment. Requires the office of the secretary and the division of mental health and addiction to develop a treatment … [Read more...] about Controlled substances
Drug enforcement, treatment, and prevention
S.E.A. 271, P.L. 7 Effective: July 1, 2016 Establishes the Indiana commission to combat drug abuse (ICCDA). Repeals the commission for a drug free Indiana. Requires the Indiana criminal justice institute (ICJI) to assume certain duties of the repealed commission for a drug free Indiana concerning the approval of comprehensive drug free community plans and grants. Makes conforming … [Read more...] about Drug enforcement, treatment, and prevention
Criminal law matters
S.E.A. 290, P.L. 44 Effective: July 1, 2016 Provides that a person may be convicted of possession with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance without additional evidence of intent to manufacture or deliver if the person possesses more than a specified quantity of the controlled substance. Specifies that the fact that an individual has attended a syringe exchange … [Read more...] about Criminal law matters
Geolocation information and unmanned aerial vehicles
H.E.A. 1013, P.L. 57 Effective: March 21, 2016 Provides that, upon the request of a law enforcement agency, a provider of electronic communications services used by an electronic device is required to provide geolocation information concerning the electronic device to the law enforcement agency: (1) to allow the law enforcement agency to respond to a call for emergency services; or … [Read more...] about Geolocation information and unmanned aerial vehicles