The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard, for amendment and vote only, HB 1235, sponsored by Sen. R. Michael Young and Sen. Steele, on drug offenses. The bill permits a prior conviction for dealing in a synthetic drug to be used as an enhancing circumstance, and makes the minimum sentence non-suspendible for Level 2 felony drug offenses. Sen. Lanane introduced an … [Read more...] about Drug offenses
Trial court jurisdiction
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1322 concerning trial court jurisdiction sponsored by Sen. Steele. The bill specifies that circuit courts, superior courts, and probate courts have original and concurrent jurisdiction under certain provisions of the Indiana Code. This bill is a follow-up to legislation adopted in 2011 on this general topic. Judge Mary Willis, Henry Circuit … [Read more...] about Trial court jurisdiction
Business entities; series limited liability
The Senate Civil Law Committee heard HB 1336, sponsored by Sen. Bray, on business entities; series limited liability. Author Rep. Cox stated that this bill makes various changes to business and other association law, including allowing for the creation of series limited liability companies in Indiana. This bill also recognizes the commercial court pilot, stating that a case may also … [Read more...] about Business entities; series limited liability
Juvenile justice
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1369, on juvenile justice which assigns the task of looking at innovative juvenile programs to the Commission on Improving the Status of Children. Sponsor Sen. Holdman explained that the intent is to showcase programs, including those offered by community corrections programs, across the state. The bill passed 7-0. Read the bill … [Read more...] about Juvenile justice
Administrative law study commission
The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 1, sponsored by Rep. Steuerwald and Rep Koch, establishing a 12-member administrative law study commission to determine whether to establish a centralized administrative court to replace existing administrative-law and environmental-law judges. Author Sen. Steele explained that qualifications and salaries of ALJs vary widely from agency to … [Read more...] about Administrative law study commission