The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 1 authored by Sen. Steele on administrative law. The bill replaces administrative law judges and environmental law judges with an administrative court with judicial review by a circuit or superior court with appropriate jurisdiction. Sen. Steele introduced an amendment stripping the bill and requesting that this topic be assigned to a summer st … [Read more...] about Administrative law
Marion Circuit Court magistrate
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard Sen. Steele’s and Sen. R. Michael Young’s SB 27, allowing the judge of the Marion Circuit Court to appoint one full-time Marion Circuit Court magistrate. The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary. The bill passed 13-0. Read the bill at h … [Read more...] about Marion Circuit Court magistrate
Civil rights
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 66 on civil rights authored by Sen. R. Michael Young and Sen. Boots. This bill defines certain provisions of the Constitution of the State of Indiana as "fundamental rights" and prohibits the government from substantially burdening a fundamental right unless the governmental entity demonstrates that the application of the burden to the … [Read more...] about Civil rights
Food stamp assistance after drug conviction
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard Sen. Broden’s SB 132 on food stamp assistance after drug conviction. This bill allows certain individuals who were convicted of a drug offense, but have not been convicted of another drug offense in the previous five years before applying for food stamps to receive food stamps. It also permits individuals who have had a conviction in the p … [Read more...] about Food stamp assistance after drug conviction
Waiver to adult court
The Senate Corrections & Criminal Law Committee heard SB 160 authored by Sen. R. Michael Young on waiver to adult court. The bill would require an adult court exercising “direct-file” jurisdiction over a juvenile to transfer jurisdiction to the juvenile court for disposition, if the minor is convicted of an offense other than the offense that permitted direct-file in adult cou … [Read more...] about Waiver to adult court