The Senate Committee on Corrections & Criminal Law heard SB 142 authored by Sen. R. Michael Young on DOC commitments and motorboat OWI. The bill (1) permits a person convicted of a Level 6 felony to be committed to the DOC if the person has received an enhanced sentence for being a habitual vehicular substance offender; and (2) requires an enhanced penalty for motorboat OWI if … [Read more...] about DOC commitments and motorboat OWI
Controlled substances and public servant impersonation
The Committee on Corrections & Criminal Law heard SB 174 authored by Sen. R. Michael Young on controlled substances and public servant impersonation. The bill (1) establishes a Class A misdemeanor for impersonating a public servant with intent to defraud or induce compliance with instructions, orders, or requests; (2) creates the crime of dealing in a controlled substance by a … [Read more...] about Controlled substances and public servant impersonation
2015 Legislative Session Digest
This is the digest of the final installment of the Legislative Update for the 2015 legislative session. This digest contains summaries of select bills of interest or portions of bills that were signed into law in the 2015 legislative session. Civil Law Service of process (S.E.A. 2, P.L. 41-2015) Religious objections to government actions (S.E.A. 50, P.L. 4-2015) Lawsuits against … [Read more...] about 2015 Legislative Session Digest
Service of process
S.E.A. 2, P.L. 41-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Specifies that "registered or certified mail" includes any means of delivery that provides a return receipt. Provides that the cost of service to not more than two parties may be paid from court fees. Requires a person who requests a circuit court clerk to send an additional mailing by registered or certified mail to provide: (1) an … [Read more...] about Service of process
Religious objections to government actions
S.E.A. 50, P.L. 4-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Religious objections to government actions. Indicates that the law related to adjudicating a claim or defense that a state or local law, ordinance, or other action substantially burdens the exercise of religion of a person: does not authorize a provider to refuse to offer or provide services, facilities, use of public accommodations, … [Read more...] about Religious objections to government actions