H.E.A. 1307, P.L. 55-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Increases the maximum civil jurisdiction from an amount in controversy of $3,000 to an amount in controversy of $6,000 for the: (1) East Chicago, Gary, Hammond, Hobart, and Crown Point city courts; and (2) Merrillville town court. Specifies that a "clerk serving the county" includes the clerk of a city or town court for purposes of … [Read more...] about Lake County city and town court jurisdiction
Public officials, liens, and restricted addresses
H.E.A. 1371, P.L. 191-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Provides that, for purposes of the law concerning common law liens, a public official includes former officeholders. Creates a definition for "public employee". Provides if a person notifies the county recorder that the person is a public official or public employee, a common law lien that is recorded on the person's property is … [Read more...] about Public officials, liens, and restricted addresses
Technical corrections
S.E.A. 4, P.L. 5-2015 Effective: §§1-55, 57-71 effective April 15, 2015; §56 effective July 1, 2015 Resolves: (1) technical conflicts between differing 2014 amendments to Indiana Code sections; and (2) other technical problems in the Indiana Code, including incorrect statutory references, nonstandard tabulation, and various grammatical problems. Provides that the technical co … [Read more...] about Technical corrections
Update of federal law citations
S.E.A. 171, P.L. 7-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Makes technical corrections to federal law citations throughout the Indiana Code. (The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the code revision commission.) The full law is available at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2015/bills/senate/7 … [Read more...] about Update of federal law citations
Substantive problems in the Indiana Code
S.E.A. 199, P.L. 109-2015 Effective: §§1-23, 29-39, 41-50, 54-61 effective May 4, 2015; §§24-25 retroactively effective to July 1, 2014, §§26-28 retroactively effective January 1, 2015; §40 retroactively effective July 1, 2011; §§51-53 retroactively effective July 1, 2013. Resolves various nontechnical conflicts and problems not suitable for resolution in the annual technical correct … [Read more...] about Substantive problems in the Indiana Code