The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 523, Sen. R. Michael Young’s bill to make changes to the Marion County Small Claims courts, sponsored by Rep. Frizzell. Sen. Young explained that decisions by the Indiana Supreme Court and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on venue within the small claims court had adversely affected the caseload balances between the i … [Read more...] about Marion County Small Claims
State examiner, attorney general, and prosecuting attorneys
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1405 pertaining to state examiner, attorney general, and prosecuting attorneys, sponsored by Sen. Niemeyer. Author Rep. Slager explained that the bill authorizes concurrent criminal jurisdiction by the Attorney General and prosecuting attorney to prosecute certain violations committed by local public officers under the purview of the State … [Read more...] about State examiner, attorney general, and prosecuting attorneys
Various motor vehicle issues
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard HB 1305 concerning various motor vehicle issues, sponsored by Sen. Young and presented by author Rep. McMillin. The bill was drafted to improve on the changes made by HEA 1279-2014. The Committee took an amendment by consent that would continue the work to move the penalty provisions into the same statute as the substantive … [Read more...] about Various motor vehicle issues
Religious freedom restoration
The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 101 on religious freedom restoration. Co-sponsor Rep. McMillin offered an amendment clarifying that the bill applies only to governmental action and does not authorize a private cause of action. The amendment passed 9-3. Sponsor Rep. Wesco explained that the bill restores the strict scrutiny standard of review for governmental intrusions on an … [Read more...] about Religious freedom restoration
Aircraft financial responsibility and liability
The Senate Civil Law Committee heard HB 1413, sponsored by Sen. Ford, on aircraft financial responsibility and liability. This bill increases the amount of financial responsibility required for the ownership, maintenance, or use of an aircraft to $100,000 for the bodily injury or death of one person, $200,000 for the bodily injury or death of two or more persons in any one accident, … [Read more...] about Aircraft financial responsibility and liability