The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 199 concerning substantive problems in the Indiana Code, authored by Sens. Bray, Head, and Randolph and sponsored by Rep. Washburne. Sen. Bray introduced this bill, which resolves various nontechnical conflicts and problems not suitable for resolution in the annual technical corrections bill, including: (1) statutes that have been both amended … [Read more...] about Substantive problems in the Indiana Code
Various criminal law issues
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1304 on various criminal law issues, sponsored by Sen. Steele. Fifteen testified on the the legislation including Judge Mary Willis, President, Indiana Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and Linda Brady, President, Probation Officers Professional Association of Indiana. Judge Willis focused on potential use of restraints for juveniles … [Read more...] about Various criminal law issues
Judgment dockets
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1141, sponsored by Sen. Steele, on judgment dockets. This bill specifies that the clerk of a circuit court shall keep a judgment docket for the circuit court and for each superior court and probate court served by the clerk, and that the clerk is the official keeper of the judgment docket for the circuit court and for each superior court and … [Read more...] about Judgment dockets
Lake County city and town court jurisdiction
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1307, sponsored by Sen. Niemeyer and Sen. Randolph, increasing the maximum civil jurisdiction from an amount in controversy of $3,000 to an amount in controversy of $6,000 for Lake County city and town court jurisdiction in East Chicago, Gary, Hammond, Hobart, and Crown Point city courts, and Merrillville town court. The bill was amended to … [Read more...] about Lake County city and town court jurisdiction
Mid-Session: Civil Law
Bill No. Bill Title Committee 2nd Reading 3rd Reading Sponsor(s) SB 2 Service of process 1/22/15 Do Pass –A 1/26/15 Engrossed 1/27/15 Passed 48-0 Mayfield, Cox SB 38 Application of foreign law 1/22/15 Do Pass –A 1/26/15 Engrossed 1/29/15 Passed 43-4 Steuerwald SB 98 Lawsuits against gun manufacturers 2/5/15 Do Pass –A; 2/12/15 Do Pass 2/16/15 Engrossed; 2/19/15 Engrossed -A 2/ … [Read more...] about Mid-Session: Civil Law