The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 385 pertaining to murder sentencing; aggravating circumstance. Author Sen. Hershman introduced the bill explaining that this proposal is a response to the Purdue University shooting last year. The bill creates an aggravating factor to murder if the murder is committed on property owned or rented by an educational … [Read more...] about Murder sentencing; aggravating circumstance
Child exploitation
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 396 on child exploitation. Author Sen. Houchin stated that the decreases in the penalty provisions for child exploitation as a result of the criminal code revision were an oversight. An amendment was adopted removing the second level penalty increases in the bill. The amended bill raises the penalty for possession of child … [Read more...] about Child exploitation
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard SB 536, authored by Sen. Young and Sen. Yoder, on methamphetamine. The bill provides that anyone convicted of a drug-related felony must get a prescription for pseudoephedrine or ephedrine for seven years after conviction. If methamphetamine labs are not reduced by this provision, then in 2020 a universal prescription for pseudoephedrine or … [Read more...] about Methamphetamine
Criminal justice funding
The House Ways and Means Committee heard Rep. Steuerwald’s HB 1006 on criminal justice funding. The Committee amended the bill by consent to reduce the first-year appropriation to $30 million, to move the appropriations to the Judicial Center’s budget, and to define treatment for addiction. The bill passed as amended, 18-0. Read the bill at ht … [Read more...] about Criminal justice funding
Mental health matters
The House Public Health Committee heard HB 1269 concerning mental health matters, authored by Rep. Clere. As reported previously, this bill addresses several mental health issues including: authorizing the DOC or jail to serve as a representative of inmates for the purposes of applying for Medicaid eligibility; requiring the DOC or jail to assist inmates apply for Medicaid prior … [Read more...] about Mental health matters