The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1304 on various criminal law issues for juveniles. Since Representative McMillin was still working on additional amendments, only two of the four of the amendments heard the previous week were adopted by consent of the committee. The amendment permitting use of Vivitrol and the amendment broadening the definition of “runaway” to i … [Read more...] about Various criminal law issues
Address confidentiality
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 90 concerning address confidentiality authored and presented by Sen. Steele. The bill was amended by the Committee and includes judicial officers within the definition of a law enforcement official for purposes of these provisions to allow law enforcement officials the ability to require public agencies, via an application, to keep the … [Read more...] about Address confidentiality
Madison circuit court magistrate
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 150 authored by Sen. Lanane creating an additional Madison circuit court magistrate. Madison Circuit Court Judges Clem and Happe testified to the need for an additional judicial officer to handle the circuit court’s workload. Sen. Tallian offered an amendment adding a magistrate position to the Porter Circuit Court. The amendment was adopted b … [Read more...] about Madison circuit court magistrate
St. Joseph County courts
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 292 concerning St. Joseph County courts authored and presented by Sen. Zakas. The bill adds additional magistrates for the circuit court and superior court. The Committee adopted an amendment by consent to section 1 of the bill to provide that political affiliation could not be considered in appointing the magistrates. Judge Jenny Pitts Ma … [Read more...] about St. Joseph County courts
Court fees
The Senate Judiciary Committee also heard SB 409 concerning court fees authored and presented by Sen. Merritt. The bill reinstates the mortgage foreclosure counseling and education court fee of $50 until July 1, 2017. Elizabeth Dalton, Division of State Court Administration, testified in support and explained to the Committee how a portion of these fees provide court facilitators. … [Read more...] about Court fees