The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 559, Sen. R. Michael Young’s bill to make a number of changes to crimes of violence. Sen. Young explained that the bill adds unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon to the definition of "crimes of violence." The bill establishes new caps for consecutive sentences that result from a single episode of c … [Read more...] about Crimes of violence
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1302, Rep. McMillin’s expungement bill. The bill addresses a number of issues concerning the IC 35-38-9 expungement remedy: (1) it expands the arrest expungement remedy to include criminal charges or delinquency allegations which did not lead to a conviction or adjudication; (2) it specifies that a person seeking to expunge a c … [Read more...] about Expungement
Video conferencing by confined persons
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1531, Rep. Davisson’s bill on video conferencing by confined persons. The bill provides (1) court hearings by video conference for inmates in DOC facilities with video conferencing capacity, and (2) mental health evaluations of inmates in county jails ordered to be conducted via video conference with the mental health services p … [Read more...] about Video conferencing by confined persons
Opioid prescriptions for pain management treatment
The House Public Health Committee heard Rep. Kirchhofer’s HB 1614 on opioid prescriptions for pain management treatment. This bill requires the Indiana Board of Pharmacy or any licensing board, commission, or agency that controls, authorizes, or oversees controlled substance registrations, to adopt rules to establish standards and protocols for practitioners who prescribe opioid c … [Read more...] about Opioid prescriptions for pain management treatment
Various child support matters
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 324, authored by Sens. Head and L. Brown, on various child support matters. This bill makes various changes to family and juvenile law concerning: (1) parties entitled to file a paternity action, (2) petitions for child support, (3) petitions for adoption, (4) adoption decrees, (5) duties of the child support bureau, and (6) costs of services … [Read more...] about Various child support matters