The Senate Civil Law Committee heard SB 171, authored by Sen. Bray and prepared by the Code Revision Commission, on the update of federal law citations. This bill makes technical corrections to federal law citations throughout the Indiana Code. The bill passed 6-0. Read the bill at … [Read more...] about Update of federal law citations
Substantive problems in the Indiana Code
The Senate Civil Law Committee heard SB 199, authored by Sen. Bray and prepared by the Code Revision Commission, on substantive problems in the Indiana Code. This bill resolves various nontechnical conflicts and problems not suitable for resolution in the annual technical corrections bill, including statutes that have been both amended and repealed, ambiguous language and … [Read more...] about Substantive problems in the Indiana Code
Judicial retirement age
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 12, authored by Sen. Buck and Sen. Rogers, on judicial retirement age. This bill requires justices of the Supreme Court and judges of the Court of Appeals to retire at 80 years of age, instead of 75 years of age. The bill passed 5-4. Read the bill at … [Read more...] about Judicial retirement age
Technical corrections
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 4, the technical corrections bill, prepared by the Code Revision Commission and authored by Sen. Bray. This bill corrects: (1) technical conflicts between differing 2014 amendments to Indiana Code sections; and (2) other technical problems in the Indiana Code, including incorrect statutory references, nonstandard tabulation, and various … [Read more...] about Technical corrections
Accounts under a power of attorney
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 57, authored by Sen. Steele as recommended by the probate section of the Indiana State Bar Association, on accounts under a power of attorney. The bill provides that an attorney-in-fact is entitled to judicial review and settlement of an account. It also provides that absent fraud, misrepresentation, inadequate disclosure, or failure to … [Read more...] about Accounts under a power of attorney