H.E.A. 1216, P.L. 23-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Requires the superintendent of the State Police Department to: (1) provide a written informational pamphlet that includes information concerning the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the National Runaway Safeline; and (2) distribute the pamphlet to every law enforcement agency. Requires a law enforcement agency … [Read more...] about Missing children and trafficked children
child exploitation
Definition of “sexual conduct
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 313, sponsored by Rep. Kirchhofer and Rep. Hale, Sen. Head’s bill to change the definition of “sexual conduct” to include exhibition of the female breast as used in child exploitation and pornography offenses. After Sen. Head presented the bill, Suzanne O’Malley of the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council said that the law had b … [Read more...] about Definition of “sexual conduct
Human trafficking and indecent nuisances
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 532, sponsored by Reps. McNamara, Cox, Hale and Lawson, on forfeiture of property used in human trafficking and indecent nuisances. Sen. Head explained that sexual trafficking would be added to the indecent nuisance statutes, and provide that 80% of the money obtained from property taken in prosecutors’ human trafficking in … [Read more...] about Human trafficking and indecent nuisances
Missing and trafficked children
The Senate Family and Children Services Committee heard HB 1216 on missing and trafficked children sponsored by Sen. Head and Sen. Houchin. The bill requires the Indiana State Police to prepare a pamphlet for distribution to every law enforcement agency to include information on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the National Runaway Safeline. The bill also … [Read more...] about Missing and trafficked children
Department of Child Services
The Senate Family and Children Services Committee heard HB 1434 concerning the Department of Child Services sponsored by Sen. Head and Sen. Holdman. This legislation (1) provides for background checks for host homes used in the collaborative care program, (2) exempts DCS staff from social work licensure in the same manner as other state agencies, (3) repeals duplicative Regional … [Read more...] about Department of Child Services