The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 396 on child exploitation. Author Sen. Houchin stated that the decreases in the penalty provisions for child exploitation as a result of the criminal code revision were an oversight. An amendment was adopted removing the second level penalty increases in the bill. The amended bill raises the penalty for possession of child … [Read more...] about Child exploitation
child exploitation
Missing children and trafficked children
The House Family, Children and Human Affairs Committee heard Rep. Truitt’s HB 1216 concerning missing children and trafficked children. The legislation requires the Indiana State Police to prepare an informational pamphlet for distribution to every law enforcement agency with toll free numbers for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the National Runaway Hotline a … [Read more...] about Missing children and trafficked children
Department of Child Services
The House Family, Children and Human Affairs Committee heard Rep. Mahan’s HB 1434 making various juvenile law changes which affect the Department of Child Services and juvenile courts. Representative Mahan introduced the bill, which has five portions: requires the Indiana State Police to conduct a record check of local records in addition to the national background check, for se … [Read more...] about Department of Child Services