S.E.A. 410, P.L. 68 Effective: July 1, 2022 Defines "unlicensed caregiver" and allows an unlicensed caregiver of a child to file a petition to intervene as a party in a: (1) child in need of services proceeding; or (2) proceeding to terminate the parent-child relationship; concerning the child. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2022/bills/senate/410 … [Read more...] about Unlicensed caregiver intervention in juvenile court proceeding
Department of Child Services matters
H.E.A. 1363, P.L. 172 Effective: July 1, 2022, except for §7 effective March 18, 2022 Repeals provisions under which certain parties may file a petition during a child in need of services proceeding to require a parent, guardian, or custodian of the child to participate in a program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the child.Provides that a party who receives notice … [Read more...] about Department of Child Services matters
Kinship caregiver intervention
The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 410 on kinship caregiver intervention, sponsored by Reps. Pressel and Jordan and authored by Sen. Bohacek. The legislation created a definition for “kinship caregiver” and permitted a kinship caregiver to petition to intervene in a CHINS or TPR proceeding. An amendment prepared by the Department of Child Services (DCS) was introduced to change … [Read more...] about Kinship caregiver intervention
Various Department of Child Services changes
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1363 concerning various Department of Child Services (DCS) changes sponsored by Sens. Walker and Koch. Rep. Young presented the bill, which removes the filing requirement for a verified parental participation petition before the juvenile court can proceed to disposition, makes certain changes regarding DCS changing a child's out-of-home … [Read more...] about Various Department of Child Services changes
Various Department of Child Services changes
The House Family, Children and Human Affairs Committee heard HB 1363 authored by Rep. John Young on various Department of Child Services (DCS) changes. The bill removes the filing requirement for a verified parental participation petition before the juvenile court can proceed to disposition. The bill also makes certain changes regarding the DCS changing a child’s out of home p … [Read more...] about Various Department of Child Services changes