The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 241 on pro bono legal services fee authored by Sen. Boehnlein. The bill eliminates the sunset provision for pro bono legal service fees. The Committee amended the bill by consent to extend the sunset provision to 2025.The following testified in support of the bill: Indiana State Bar Association, Indiana Bar Foundation, Pro Bono Indiana, and … [Read more...] about Pro bono legal services fee
court fees
State budget
H.E.A. 1001, P.L. 165 Effective: §§3, 190, 191-195 effective July 1, 2021 §3 - Supreme Court budget pg. 9-12. §190 – Knox Circuit and Superior Court may jointly appoint one fulltime magistrate. §191-195 – adds that the judicial insurance adjustment fee of $1 is deposited in the state general fund. (Ind. Code §§33-34-8-3; 33-37-5-25; 33-37-7-2; 33-37-7-8; 33-38-5-8.2). Read the b … [Read more...] about State budget
Court matters
For amend and vote only, and on recommitment, the Senate Appropriations Committee heard SB 380 on various court matters authored by Sen. Koch, Sen, Messmer, and Sen. Holdman. This bill: Eliminates the annual salary increases for judges, members of the general assembly, and prosecutors beginning after June 30, 2021. Adds a superior court in Hamilton County. Allows the judges of … [Read more...] about Court matters
Court matters
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 380 on court matters, authored and presented by Sen. Koch. The bill provides for a new Hamilton Superior Court. The bill also allows for appointment of a magistrate in Decatur County, Hancock County, Huntington County, Knox County, and Lake Superior Court. It also allows clerks to retain a $3 administrative fee from excess amounts collected b … [Read more...] about Court matters
Indigency determinations
The House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code heard SB 302 authored by Sen. Tallian establishing a procedure for a criminal court to use in indigency determinations. The bill provides that, if a court ordered a defendant to pay part of the cost of representation, the court shall inquire at sentencing whether the defendant has paid the required amount and specifies that a court … [Read more...] about Indigency determinations