The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 532 sponsored by Rep. Mahan, reducing the service of process fees from $25 to $13 and deleting a prohibition on collection of service of process fees more than one time in a case. It also provides that the sheriff shall collect a service of process fee each time the sheriff serves a document completed by the sheriff. The bill was amended to … [Read more...] about Service of process fees
court fees
Pro bono legal services fee
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 42 on the pro bono legal services fee. Sponsor Rep. Clere presented the bill, which extends the $1.00 pro bono fee in civil actions, including small claims cases, for another five years through July 1, 2022. The Indiana State Bar Association, the Indiana Bar Foundation, and Doxpop spoke in support of the bill, which passed … [Read more...] about Pro bono legal services fee
Foreclosure counseling and education fee
The Senate Public Policy Committee heard Sen. Merritt’s SB 227 on the foreclosure counseling and education fee. The bill removes the July 1, 2017, expiration date for the $50 mortgage foreclosure counseling and education fee that must be paid by a party filing an action to foreclose a mortgage. The bill was amended to extend the fee for one year. The amended bill passed 9-0. Read t … [Read more...] about Foreclosure counseling and education fee
Service of process fees
The Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee heard SB 532 on service of process fees authored and presented by Sen. Boots. The bill reduces the service of process fee charged for sheriff service from $25 to $13 and removes the prohibition of only collecting the fee one time per case. The Indiana Sheriffs’ Association, the Indiana Association of Counties, and the Clerk’s Association al … [Read more...] about Service of process fees
Service of process fees
The Senate Civil Law Committee heard Sen. Boots’ SB 532 reducing the initial service of process fees from $25 to $13, but deleting a prohibition on collection of service of process fees more than one time in a case. A representative from Indiana Sheriffs Association testified in support of the bill. A representative of the Indiana Clerks Association testified that they would like c … [Read more...] about Service of process fees