The House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code heard Rep. Steuerwald’s HB 1010 on commitment to DOC for a Level 6 felony. Rep. Steuerwald explained that the bill, endorsed by the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC), would clarify when certain Level 6 felons could be committed to the Department of Corrections (DOC). The Indiana Public Defender Council’s Larry Landis, chair … [Read more...] about Commitment to DOC for a Level 6 felony
Department of Correction
Monetary awards for exonerated prisoners
The House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code heard Rep. Steuerwald’s HB 1062 on monetary awards for exonerated prisoners. The author explained that the bill establishes a DNA exoneration fund, with an initial $200,000 appropriation, to pay convicted persons exonerated by DNA evidence $25,000 for each year of wrongful incarceration in the Department of Corrections. Rep. Porter and … [Read more...] about Monetary awards for exonerated prisoners
Victim notification
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard Sen. Head’s SB 239 on victim notification. The bill provides that if the discharge or release date of an offender is changed during the 40-day notification period before an offender's planned discharge or release, the Department of Correction shall notify the victim as soon as possible, but not more than 48 hours after the c … [Read more...] about Victim notification
Operating while intoxicated
S.E.A. 142, P.L. 26 Effective: July 1, 2016 Provides that a person who commits the offense of causing the death of another person when operating a vehicle: (1) with an alcohol concentration equivalent to at least 0.08 gram of alcohol per 100 milliliters of the person's blood or 210 liters of the person's breath; (2) with a controlled substance listed in schedule I or II or its … [Read more...] about Operating while intoxicated
Criminal justice matters
H.E.A. 1102, P.L. 69 Effective: July 1, 2016 Allows the department of correction (department) to make grants to county jails to provide evidence based mental health and addiction forensic treatment services from funds appropriated to the department for the department's operating expenses for the state fiscal year. Requires the commissioner of correction to coordinate with the … [Read more...] about Criminal justice matters