H.E.A. 1369, P.L. 88 Effective: March 21, 2016 Requires the commission on improving the status of children to: (1) study and evaluate innovative juvenile justice programs, including juvenile community corrections; and (2) consult with the justice reinvestment advisory council concerning how funds should be distributed for innovative juvenile justice programs and juvenile community … [Read more...] about Juvenile justice
Department of Correction
DOC commitments and motorboat OWI
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 142 on DOC commitments and motorboat OWI sponsored by Rep. Steuerwald. The bill provides that an individual convicted of a Level 6 felony may be committed to the Department of Correction (DOC) if the person received an enhanced sentence for being a habitual vehicular substance offender. An amendment providing that an individual … [Read more...] about DOC commitments and motorboat OWI
Juvenile justice
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1369, on juvenile justice which assigns the task of looking at innovative juvenile programs to the Commission on Improving the Status of Children. Sponsor Sen. Holdman explained that the intent is to showcase programs, including those offered by community corrections programs, across the state. The bill passed 7-0. Read the bill … [Read more...] about Juvenile justice
Criminal justice matters
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard HB 1102 concerning criminal justice matters authored by Rep. Steuerwald and sponsored by Sen. Steele. The bill came as a recommendation from the Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council to add county jails, pretrial service programs, and diversion programs to the list of eligible entities for funding from savings realized by the … [Read more...] about Criminal justice matters
Juvenile community corrections advisory boards
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1369 on juvenile community corrections advisory boards. The bill creates juvenile community corrections advisory boards, requires the Department of Correction to appropriate at least 10% of community corrections grants to juvenile community corrections advisory boards, requires the boards to: (1) develop and implement innovative … [Read more...] about Juvenile community corrections advisory boards