The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard HB 1056 on controlled substances sponsored by Sen. Carrasco. Author Rep. McNamara introduced the bill which adds 2-Methyl AP-237 (synthetic opioid) and ethylphenidate (a central nervous system stimulant) to the list of controlled substances. The Professional Licensing Agency testified in support of the bill. The bill … [Read more...] about Controlled substances
Sale of low THC products to persons less than 21
On February 4, 2025, the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 138 on sale of low THC products to persons less than 21 authored by Sen. Bohacek. The bill provides that: (1) it is a Class B misdemeanor for a person to recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally sell, barter, exchange, provide, or furnish a product containing low THC hemp extract to a minor; (2) the … [Read more...] about Sale of low THC products to persons less than 21
Exceptions to paraphernalia statutes
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 312 on exceptions to paraphernalia authored by Sen. Clark and Sen. Baldwin. The bill provides that the controlled substance paraphernalia statutes do not apply to items marketed to detect the presence of a drug or controlled substance, including field test kits and test strips. The Indiana Public Defender Council, … [Read more...] about Exceptions to paraphernalia statutes
Criminal penalties
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 324 on criminal penalties authored by Sen. Freeman. The bill, as amended, does the following: The Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police, Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, the Indiana Prosecuting Attorney Council, and the Indiana State Police testified in support of the bill. The Indiana Public Defender Council … [Read more...] about Criminal penalties
Controlled substances
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1056 authored by Rep. McNamara and by Rep. Steuerwald on controlled substances. The bill adds 2-Methyl AP-237 to the list of schedule I controlled substances. The bill was amended by consent to (1) add a controlled substance; (2) add U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration controlled substance code numbers to certain controlled … [Read more...] about Controlled substances