For amend and vote only, the Senate Appropriations Committee heard Sen. Koch’s SB 111 creating substance abuse prevention grant programs. This bill requires the Division of Mental Health and Addiction to establish and administer the community and faith-based substance abuse program grants and community and faith-based substance abuse transportation assistance grant programs. It also … [Read more...] about Substance abuse prevention grant programs
Drug testing and visitation
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard Sen. Crider’s SB 323 on drug testing and visitation. The bill authorizes a court to require a parent to submit to drug testing as a condition of exercising parenting time rights if the court finds that: (1) the parent has a history of unlawful drug use within the previous five years; or (2) there is a reasonable likelihood that the parent is c … [Read more...] about Drug testing and visitation
Controlled substances
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 76 authored by Sen. Merritt on controlled substances. The bill originally made changes to the weight thresholds for certain controlled substance offenses. It also made Level 2 and Level 3 felonies of dealing in drugs nonsuspendible if the person has a prior unrelated felony conviction other than a felony conviction for a … [Read more...] about Controlled substances
Drug penalties
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard Sen. Koch’s SB 519 on drug penalties. The bill provides that if a person commits the offense of dealing or an attempt or conspiracy to commit dealing; in a controlled substance, the person may be tried in any county where the person performed an act in furtherance of the offense. The bill also replaces heroin with cocaine or a n … [Read more...] about Drug penalties
Opioid treatment pilot program
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law heard Sen. Raatz’s SB 276 on the opioid treatment pilot program extending the program until 2022. The bill removes Marion County from the pilot program. Representatives of Mental Health America of Indiana testified in support of the bill. The bill was amended by consent to put Marion County back in the pilot program. The amended b … [Read more...] about Opioid treatment pilot program