S.E.A. 6, P.L. 70-2015 Effective: April 29, 2015 Makes it a Class B infraction to possess, purchase, sell, offer to sell, or use powdered or crystalline alcohol. Establishes exceptions. Urges the legislative council to assign to the public policy interim study committee topics related to powdered or crystalline alcohol. The full law is available at: … [Read more...] about Powdered or crystalline alcohol
Controlled substances
H.E.A. 1184, P.L. 56-2015 Effective: April 23, 2015 Authorizes optometrists who meet certain requirements to prescribe Tramadol. Adds Tramadol as a schedule IV controlled substance. Includes hydrocodone combination products as schedule II controlled substances. Removes dihydrocodeinone from the schedule III controlled substance list. The full law is available at: … [Read more...] about Controlled substances
Various criminal law matters
H.E.A. 1304, P.L. 187-2015 Effective: §§1-30, 34-52 effective July 1, 2015; §§31-33 effective January 1, 2016 Requires the criminal justice institute to track the number of juveniles in adult court. Requires custodial interrogations of juveniles to be recorded. Raises the ages for waiver of jurisdiction of certain juveniles to adult court. Allows a person with an intellectual dis … [Read more...] about Various criminal law matters
Various criminal law issues
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard HB 1304 on various criminal law issues sponsored Sen. Steele and Sen. R. Michael Young. The committee adopted three amendments. Two of the amendments made language changes and technical corrections. The third amendment, introduced by Sen. Kenley, excludes certain offenders from treatment in lieu of prosecution or incarceration and removes … [Read more...] about Various criminal law issues
Controlled substances
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1184 on controlled substances sponsored by Sen. Grooms and Sen. Becker. Author Rep. Davisson explained that the bill allows certain optometrists to prescribe Tramadol, now classified as a controlled substance, for ocular pain management. The bill also updates Indiana Code to mirror federal law on the classification of controlled substances. An … [Read more...] about Controlled substances