S.E.A. 194, P.L. 61 Effective: July 1, 2020 Adds new scheduled drugs (including emergency scheduled drugs) to the statutory drug schedules. Defines "isomer". Defines "narcotic" to include opium esters, ethers, and salts of isomers, esters, and ethers. Makes other changes and conforming amendments. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2020/bills/senate/194 … [Read more...] about Drug scheduling
Drug scheduling
The House Court and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 194 on drug scheduling sponsored by Rep. Steuerwald. The bill adds new scheduled drugs to the statutory drug schedules and redefines isomer to bring the definition in-line with the federal definition for criminal enhancement purposes in the federal criminal justice system. The Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council, the Indiana … [Read more...] about Drug scheduling
Marijuana quantities
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 236 on marijuana quantities authored by Sen. Young. The bill specifies, for purposes of operating while intoxicated, a minimum amount of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the manner in which a chemical test for THC must be conducted. The bill also requires the state department of toxicology to adopt rules. … [Read more...] about Marijuana quantities
The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1293 on hemp authored by Rep. Lehe This bill provides that the law that prohibits the manufacture, delivery, possession, or financing of the manufacture or delivery of smokable hemp does not apply to smokable hemp that is engaged in interstate commerce, if the smokable hemp is not intended to be sold at retail or distributed to or possessed by a … [Read more...] about Hemp
Driver's license suspensions
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code heard SB 200 authored by Sen. M. Young repealing certain license suspensions when a motor vehicle is used in dealing certain controlled substances. The Indiana Public Defender Council testified in support of the bill. The bill passed 8-0. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2020/bills/senate/200 … [Read more...] about Driver's license suspensions