The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 519 on drug penalties, sponsored by Rep. McNamara. The bill provides that if a person commits the offense of dealing or an attempt or conspiracy to commit dealing in a controlled substance, the person may be tried in any county where the person performed an act in furtherance of the offense. Replaces heroin with cocaine or a … [Read more...] about Drug penalties
Drug dealing
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 110 on drug dealing sponsored by Rep. McNamara. This bill adds an item to the existing list of enhancing circumstances for offenses relating to controlled substances and that an enhancing circumstance means that the person committed the offense in, on, or within 100 feet of a drug treatment facility. The bill was amended to make … [Read more...] about Drug dealing
Crimes involving synthetic drugs
The House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code heard SB 28, sponsored by Rep. Negele, addressing crimes involving synthetic drugs. The bill specifies that an enhancing circumstance includes a prior conviction for dealing or manufacturing a substance represented to be a controlled substance, makes certain offenses involving synthetic drugs an enhancing circumstance, removes certain … [Read more...] about Crimes involving synthetic drugs
Crimes involving synthetic drugs
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law heard HB 1186, sponsored by Sen. Bohacek, concerning crimes involving synthetic drugs. The bill makes possessing or dealing in a substance that is a controlled substance analog an offense of the same level as possession of or dealing in the controlled substance of which the substance is an analog. The bill also defines “substance … [Read more...] about Crimes involving synthetic drugs
Controlled substances in penal facilities
For amend and vote only, the House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 198 sponsored by Rep. Pressel on controlled substances in penal facilities. This bill makes committing a controlled substance offense on the property of a penal facility or juvenile facility an enhancing circumstance. The bill passed 10-0. Read the bill at … [Read more...] about Controlled substances in penal facilities