The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 247 on creditors’ rights, authored by Sen. Koch. The bill makes various changes to Medicaid, probate, and trust law relating to creditors' claims, claims against non-probate transferees, and no contest provisions in wills and trusts. The bill was amended by consent to make numerous amendments to language relating to creditors' claims and c … [Read more...] about Creditors’ rights
Electronic powers of attorney, trusts, and wills
The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1303 concerning electronic powers of attorney, trust, and wills authored by Rep. Steuerwald. The bill adds new chapters to the Indiana Code that provide parameters for creating electronic powers of attorney, trusts, and will documents as another option for creating these documents in addition to the traditional processes currently used. A … [Read more...] about Electronic powers of attorney, trusts, and wills
Probate and trust matters
H.E.A. 1407, P.L. 194 Effective: July 1, 2017 Makes various changes to probate and trust laws concerning contesting of wills, authorization of certain acts by a trustee, and the consideration of the requests of de facto custodians and living parents of incapacitated persons in the appointment of guardians and in custody orders. Prohibits a court clerk from collecting a court costs … [Read more...] about Probate and trust matters
Repeal of obsolete inheritance tax provisions
H.E.A. 1520, P.L. 79 Effective: July 1, 2017 Repeals statutes imposing the inheritance tax and providing exemptions from and deductions to the inheritance tax. (Under current law the inheritance tax does not apply to a property interest transferred by a decedent whose death occurs after December 31, 2012.) Repeals or removes provisions relating to probate court administration of the … [Read more...] about Repeal of obsolete inheritance tax provisions
Probate and trust matters
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1407, sponsored by Sen. Bray and Sen Koch, on probate and trust matters. The bill makes various changes to probate and trust laws concerning contesting of wills, the size of unsupervised estates, authorization of certain acts by a trustee, and the consideration of the requests of de facto custodians and living parents of incapacitated persons … [Read more...] about Probate and trust matters