The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard SB 255 concerning expungement authored by Sen. Freeman. The bill permits expungement of eligible felony convictions if the convicted person meets certain requirements and has not been convicted of another felony within a specified time period. The bill was amended to remove language regarding waiting periods and prohibit sale … [Read more...] about Expungement
Expungement issues
S.E.A. 47, P.L. 55 Effective: July 1, 2020; §9 on March 18, 2020 Defines "protection order records" and requires companies that provide background checks to periodically review their records and remove records relating to expunged protection orders (in the same manner as expunged convictions are removed). Permits a person to expunge protection order records in connection with the … [Read more...] about Expungement issues
Criminal law issues
S.E.A. 335, P.L. 142 Effective: July 1, 2020 [relevant sections] Prohibits a person who has been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act while armed with a firearm that would be a serious violent felony if committed by an adult (serious delinquent) from possessing a firearm unless the person is at least: (1) 26 years of age, in the case of less serious acts; or (2) 28 … [Read more...] about Criminal law issues
Expungement issues
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 47 on expungement issues sponsored by Rep. J. Young. The bill provides: if a court reduces a Class D or Level 6 felony to a misdemeanor, the five-year waiting period for expungement begins on the date of the felony conviction and not on the date the felony was converted to a misdemeanor; a procedure for the automatic … [Read more...] about Expungement issues
Juvenile expungements and firearms matters
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1159 concerning juvenile expungements and firearm matters authored by Rep. Schaibley. The bill would require juvenile courts to transmit information to Office of Judicial Administration for transmission to NICS upon finding of a delinquent act that would be a serious violent felony if committed by an adult, allows the court to … [Read more...] about Juvenile expungements and firearms matters