S.E.A. 335, P.L. 142 Effective: July 1, 2020 [relevant sections] Prohibits a person who has been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act while armed with a firearm that would be a serious violent felony if committed by an adult (serious delinquent) from possessing a firearm unless the person is at least: (1) 26 years of age, in the case of less serious acts; or (2) 28 … [Read more...] about Criminal law issues
Criminal law issues
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 335 on criminal law issues sponsored by Rep. Steuerwald. The bill provides: If certain criminal penalties are increased, or, in the case of an infraction, imposed, due to a prior conviction or infraction committed by a defendant, the new offense must have been committed not later than fifteen years from the later of the date of … [Read more...] about Criminal law issues
Criminal law matters
The Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law heard HB 1132 concerning criminal law matters sponsored by Sens. Freeman, Young, and Houchin. The bill amends Ind. Code § 35-47-2-18 by replacing “handgun” with “firearm” to conform to federal law on alteration or obliteration of markings on firearms and also requires the affidavit by law enforcement regarding the seizure of firear … [Read more...] about Criminal law matters
Criminal law issues
On January 21, 2020, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 335 authored by Sen. Young and Sen. Brown regarding criminal law issues. The bill provides that, if certain criminal penalties are increased (or, in the case of an infraction, imposed) due to a prior conviction or infraction committed by a defendant, the new offense must have been committed not later than seven years from t … [Read more...] about Criminal law issues
Criminal law matters
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1132 concerning criminal law matters authored by Rep. Steuerwald. The introduced bill contained provisions related to search warrants for DNA samples, procedures for waiver of jury trial and submission of case for trial to the court, affirmative defenses, alteration or obliteration of markings on firearms, and consecutive … [Read more...] about Criminal law matters