The Senate Civil Law Committee heard Sen. Becker’s SB 315 on access to employee restrooms. This bill provides that if a retail establishment has a restroom facility on its premises for the use of the retail establishment's employees, a customer, upon request, must be allowed to use the restroom facility during normal business hours if certain conditions are met. It also specifies t … [Read more...] about Access to employee restrooms
Immunity for rescuing an animal from a motor vehicle
The House Judiciary Committee heard HB 1085 on immunity for rescuing an animal from a motor vehicle authored and presented by Rep. Cook. The bill provides for immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances if a person rescues an animal from a motor vehicle and provides that person who recklessly, knowing, or intentionally leaves a domestic animal in a vehicle unattended … [Read more...] about Immunity for rescuing an animal from a motor vehicle
The House Courts & Criminal Code Committee heard Rep. Friend’s HB 1148 on cannabidiol. Rep. Friend reported the bill was drafted with extensive input from the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council and explained that it is intended to legalize use of the substance cannabidiol, or CBD oil, for use in the treatment of juvenile epilepsy. The bill provides an affirmative defense to th … [Read more...] about Cannabidiol
Tort claims immunity
S.E.A. 146, P.L. 129 Effective: July 1, 2011 Provides that the tort claims act applies to a claim against certain approved postsecondary educational institutions and associations acting on behalf of certain approved postsecondary educational institutions if: (1) the institution or association has complied with certain data sharing requirements; and (2) the claim relates to a breach … [Read more...] about Tort claims immunity
Tort claims immunity
The House Judiciary Committee reheard SB 146 sponsored by Rep. Friend and Rep. Porter on tort claims immunity. The bill provides that the tort claims act applies to a claim against certain approved postsecondary educational institutions if: (1) the institution has complied with certain data sharing requirements; and (2) the claim relates to a breach of this data. An amendment was ad … [Read more...] about Tort claims immunity