H.E.A. 1002, P.L. 166 Effective: §§1,5-14, 16-19 effective retroactive to March 1, 2020; July 1, 2021 Protects health care providers from professional discipline for certain acts or omissions arising from a disaster emergency unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentional misrepresentation. Provides that a health care p … [Read more...] about Civil immunity related to COVID-19
Safe haven 911
H.E.A. 1230, P.L. 105 Effective: July 1, 2021 Provides that due to extenuating circumstances, if a child's parent or a person is unable to give up custody of a child under the procedure set forth in Indiana's safe haven law, the child's parent or the person may request that an emergency medical services provider (provider) take custody of the child by: (1) dialing the 911 … [Read more...] about Safe haven 911
Civil immunity related to COVID-19
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard HB 1002 sponsored by Sen. Messmer and Sen. Liz Brown regarding civil immunity related to COVID-19. The bill protects health care providers from professional discipline for certain acts or omissions related to health care services provided during a state disaster emergency. The provider is not protected from discipline if the action, omission, or … [Read more...] about Civil immunity related to COVID-19
Immunity for physician wellness programs
The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 365 on immunity for physician wellness programs sponsored by Rep. Schaibley. This bill defines "wellness program" for physicians. It also specifies that the proceedings and deliberations of a wellness program are confidential, but allows a court to order in writing the release of confidential or privileged information belonging to a wellness … [Read more...] about Immunity for physician wellness programs
Civil immunity related to COVID-19
The House Judiciary Committee heard SB 1 on civil immunity related to COVID-19 authored by Sen. Messmer and Koch. The bill provides civil tort immunity for damages arising from COVID-19 on the premises owned or operated by a person, on any premises on which the person or an employee or agent of the person provided property or services to the individual, or during an activity … [Read more...] about Civil immunity related to COVID-19