The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard HB 1188 on resisting law enforcement sponsored by Sen. Carrasco and Sen. Clark. Author Rep. Shonkwiler introduced the bill and explained that the bill increases certain penalties for resisting law enforcement. An amendment was adopted with a 7-1 vote to increase the penalty to a Level 5 felony if while committing the offense … [Read more...] about Resisting law enforcement
law enforcement
Unlawful encroachment
The Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee heard HB 1122 on unlawful encroachment sponsored by Sen. Baldwin and Sen. Clark. Author Rep. McNamara introduced the bill which authorizes a law enforcement officer to order a person to stop approaching the law enforcement officer if the officer reasonably believes that the person's presence within 25 feet of the officer will … [Read more...] about Unlawful encroachment
Unlawful encroachment
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1122 on unlawful encroachment authored by Rep. McNamara. The bill authorizes a law enforcement officer to order a person to stop approaching the law enforcement officer if the officer reasonably believes that the person's presence within 25 feet of the officer will interfere with the performance of the officer's duties. The … [Read more...] about Unlawful encroachment
Law enforcement officer criminal convictions
The House Courts and CriThe House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1471 on law enforcement officer criminal convictions authored by Rep. Steuerwald. The bill establishes the procedure for placing a law enforcement officer's name on a Giglio list. A Giglio list, also known as a Brady/Giglio list, is a list of law enforcement officers who have been accused of … [Read more...] about Law enforcement officer criminal convictions
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 293 authored by Sen. Maxwell and Sen. Bohacek and sponsored by Rep. Jeter, Rep. Bartels, and Rep. D. Miller on trespass. The bill provides that an "agent", for purposes of certain provisions of the trespass statute, includes a law enforcement officer if the owner of the property requested the presence of a law enforcement officer … [Read more...] about Trespass