The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 27, authored by Sen. Steele and Sen. R. Michael Young, allowing the judge of Marion Circuit Court to appoint one full-time Marion circuit court magistrate. The introduced version of this bill was prepared by the Interim Study Committee on Courts and the Judiciary. A representative for the Marion Circuit Court testified in support of the bill, … [Read more...] about Marion Circuit Court magistrate
Trials and magistrates
S.E.A. 137, P.L. 108-2015 Effective: July 1, 2015 Conforms Indiana statutes concerning the right to a jury trial in a criminal case with the provisions in the Indiana Rules of Criminal Procedure concerning waiver of the right to a jury trial. Provides that, unless the defendant consents, a magistrate may not preside over a sentencing hearing if the magistrate did not preside over … [Read more...] about Trials and magistrates
Magistrates and courts
H.E.A. 1110, P.L. 173-2015 Effective: §§1-16 effective July 1, 2015; §17 effective June 29, 2015; §18 effective May 5, 2015 Allows the judges of the Clark circuit court to jointly appoint a third full-time magistrate. Allows the judge of the Greene circuit court and the judge of the Greene superior court to jointly appoint one full-time magistrate. Allows the judges of the Madison ci … [Read more...] about Magistrates and courts
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard HB 1110, sponsored by Sens. Steele, Grooms, and Randolph, adding various magistrates. This bill allows: the judges of the Clark circuit court to jointly appoint a third full-time magistrate; the judge of the Greene circuit court and the judge of the Greene superior court to jointly appoint one full-time magistrate; the judges of the … [Read more...] about Magistrates
Magistrates and criminal trials
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard SB 137, sponsored by Rep. Fine and Rep. Slager, on magistrates and criminal trials, prohibiting a magistrate’s presiding at sentencing when (1) the magistrate had not also presided at trial and (2) the defendant objected to the magistrate presiding at sentencing. Author Sen. Randolph presented the bill to the Committee. A technical … [Read more...] about Magistrates and criminal trials