For amend and vote only, the House Ways and Means Committee heard HB 1145 authored by Rep. Hostettler allowing the judges of Gibson superior courts to appoint a magistrate to serve the Gibson superior courts. The bill was amended by consent to include the Gibson circuit court and to change the effective date to July 1, 2021 to coincide with the fiscal year. The amended bill passed … [Read more...] about Gibson County magistrate
Court matters
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1313 concerning court matters authored by Rep. J. Young. The bill amends the magistrate statutes to provide magistrates have the same powers as judges, except judicial mandate, sunsets the judicial technology oversight committee (JTOC), and increases the small claims jurisdictional limit to $8,000. The bill was amended by … [Read more...] about Court matters
Courts and judicial officers
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 256 on courts and judicial officers. The bill is authored by Sen. Koch and provides the following: The Interim Committee on Courts and the Judiciary shall review, consider, and make recommendations concerning requests for new courts, new judicial officers, and changes in jurisdiction of existing courts and specifies the information that … [Read more...] about Courts and judicial officers
Hamilton County magistrate
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1038 concerning Hamilton County magistrate authored by Rep. Schaibley. The bill adds an additional magistrate jointly appointed by the Hamilton Circuit and Superior Courts. In presenting the bill, Rep. Schaibley reported this request was heard by the summer study committee and all the required documentation and letters of support … [Read more...] about Hamilton County magistrate
Gibson County magistrate
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1145 concerning Gibson County magistrate authored by Rep. Hostettler to add a magistrate appointed by the Gibson Superior Court. The committee chair reported request was heard by the summer study committee and all the required documentation and letters of support were included with the request. County Attorney Jim McDonald, … [Read more...] about Gibson County magistrate