H.E.A. 1057, P.L. 25 Effective: July 1, 2019 Allows the judge of the Vanderburgh circuit court to appoint an additional magistrate to serve the Vanderburgh circuit court. Allows the judges of the Vanderburgh superior court to jointly appoint an additional magistrate to serve the Vanderburgh superior court. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2019/bills/house/1057 … [Read more...] about Vanderburgh County magistrates
Howard County magistrate
H.E.A. 1118, P.L. 48 Effective: July 1, 2019 Allows the judges of the Howard circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a magistrate to serve the Howard County courts. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2019/bills/house/1118 … [Read more...] about Howard County magistrate
Marion County magistrates
H.E.A. 1332, P.L. 53 Effective: July 1, 2019 Allows the Marion County superior courts to appoint 24 full-time magistrates after December 31, 2019, not more than 12 of whom may be from the same political party. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2019/bills/house/1332 … [Read more...] about Marion County magistrates
Harassment and orders for protection [Magistrate powers, §§1-3]
H.E.A. 1607, P.L. 266 Effective: July 1, 2019 Amends Ind. Code § 33-23-5-5 to provide a magistrate may enter a final order for harassment protection orders, in addition to protection orders for domestic or family violence orders. Amends Ind. Code § 33-23-5-8 and 9 to remove language requiring that a magistrate report findings in an evidentiary hearing, a trial, or a jury’s ver … [Read more...] about Harassment and orders for protection [Magistrate powers, §§1-3]
Howard County magistrate
For vote only, the Senate Appropriations Committee heard HB 1118, sponsored by Sen. Buck, allowing the judges of the Howard circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a Howard County magistrate. The bill passed 10-0. Read the bill at: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2019/bills/house/1118 … [Read more...] about Howard County magistrate