For amend and vote only, and on recommitment, the Senate Appropriations Committee heard SB 380 on various court matters authored by Sen. Koch, Sen, Messmer, and Sen. Holdman. This bill: Eliminates the annual salary increases for judges, members of the general assembly, and prosecutors beginning after June 30, 2021. Adds a superior court in Hamilton County. Allows the judges of … [Read more...] about Court matters
new judge
Court matters
The Senate Appropriations Committee heard SB 380 on court matters, authored by Sen. Koch. The bill provides for new a Hamilton Superior Court. The bill also provides for the appointment of a magistrate in Decatur County, Hancock County, Huntington County, Knox County, and Lake Superior Court. It also allows clerks to retain $3 administrative fee from excess amounts collected by … [Read more...] about Court matters
Courts & magistrates
The House Ways and Means Committee heard HB 1064 on courts and magistrates authored by Representatives Cherry and Eberhart. This bill was amended to incorporate the other judicial officer bills - HB 1042, HB 1043, HB 1112, and HB 1304. The amended bill: Adds a superior court in Hamilton County. Allows the judges of the Decatur circuit and superior courts to jointly appoint a m … [Read more...] about Courts & magistrates
Court matters
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard SB 380 on court matters, authored and presented by Sen. Koch. The bill provides for a new Hamilton Superior Court. The bill also allows for appointment of a magistrate in Decatur County, Hancock County, Huntington County, Knox County, and Lake Superior Court. It also allows clerks to retain a $3 administrative fee from excess amounts collected b … [Read more...] about Court matters
Hamilton County superior court
The House Courts and Criminal Code Committee heard HB 1042 authored by Rep. Schaibley regarding Hamilton County Superior Court. This bill adds an additional superior court in Hamilton County. Currently, there are ten judges, a magistrate that starts July 1, 2021 and a commissioner. Judge Jonathan Brown, Hamilton County Superior Court 2, testified in support of the bill. The bill pas … [Read more...] about Hamilton County superior court